Paid Ad Protection

We Handle Paid Ad Protection

Bad actors have been exploiting the long tail Pay-Per-Click ads almost from the very first day. Today when PPC ads have become an essential and sometimes the major sales and marketing tool used by so many companies.

Trademarks and brand name abuse in PPC ads is increasing by the day. PPC ads leading to counterfeit websites or listings is very common indeed but there are several other risks you should be aware of and manage for your brand: Trademark infringements, competitors stealing your traffic, others diverting potential customers to other brands, affiliates violating regulations on your behalf and exposing your company legally and more.

BrandShield scans any search term of your choice on Google and Bing, monitors for this brand 24/7 and provides detailed reports of PPC ads that abuse or misuse your brands or trademarks. Know who is advertising when they advertise and where they lead the customer, and take the abuse down!

Common Use Cases:

  • Counterfeit Sales
  • Gray Market
  • Piracy
  • Traffic Theft
Common Platforms Used:
  •  PPC Ads
  • Marketplaces
  • Websites

Be in Control

Gain full control by learning what is out there and what is harmful for your company.

Detect Clusters

BrandShield’s detects ad clusters to remove multiple ads with a click of a button.

Enforcement Experts

Experienced and knowledgeable enforcement managers analyze your company threats to determine efficient course of action.

Best Practices

BrandShield’s best practices are based on our vast experience. Tailored strategy is developed with each customer exclusively to best fit customer needs.

PPC Compliance

Make sure your affiliates do not expose you to legal actions and regulatory fines by manipulating ads and messages.

Advanced Detection

Detect disguised linkages, cloaking, regional, national and cross-border compliance violations.

Some of the companies that work with us

Protected by BrandShield

Leave your details below and our program advisor will get in touch and guide you about the products, rates and any other questions you may have.

Any question? Contact us

011 45075151